
The CSS and Javascript project for building label printing software on the web.

Locally Hosted Web App

labelgrid is designed as a web application. However we have received many requests from different people to run labelgrid in a local environment. Some just wanted to run the software as if it is a local application without the need to connect to the web. Others wanted a locally hosted software with separate access rights to label designing and printing; the rationale being most users in the supply-chain simply need to print labels and not design them. All of these are important requirements to us, working on labelgrid.

So from this version onwards, other than providing the source code and an online demo, we will provide a package that allows you to run labelgrid locally. In addition to a windows installer to ease the setup, we also bundle a simple web server, mongoose (see specifically, with labelgrid. The web server is required as some browsers do not allow local storage which labelgrid uses without connecting to a server domain.

Starting the Web Server

After installing the windows package, simply go to the Windows Start Menu -> labelgrid -> Start labelgrid Web App and Server to start labelgrid. The mongoose web server will be run in the background and the labelgrid web app will be launched using Internet Explorer. The web server is started on port 8075 by default. A windows prompt may appear for you to confirm to start running the web server. Click on the "Run" button to continue.
When the web server is started, it will appear in your Windows system tray.

Stopping the Web Server

Simply right click on the mongoose web server in the system tray and click on "Exit" stop stop the labelgrid web server.

Download Windows Installer

System Requirements

Microsoft Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0, 2000 ,Win XP, 2003, 2008, Vista and Windows 7
300 MHz processor
10 MB of Hard Disk space
Internet Explorer 8.0+ or Mozilla Firefox 3.0+ or Opera 10.0+

     EXE Format - labelgrid.exe

Source Code

     ZIP Format -

Pad File

Want to help us promote labelgrid, add our Pad File to your software site.


labelgrid uses jQuery, the excellent Javascript framework. This framework has definitely changed the way we program the web. labelgrid also uses the CSS Blueprint framework to layout this website and the application. For Text editing, labelgrid uses the Lightweight Rich Text Editor.

Now you can print your labels anywhere!